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10 de febrero de 2012

 Towards certification of "fitness" in wild plants for restoration purposes.

In my last foray, I have set the task of a methodology to perform work at the nursery to allow certification of "fitness" in both native and naturalized plants for environmental purposes , which must be raised under conditions similar to bioclimatic those which were subsequently implementedThe biggest challenge of this work, lies in selecting the pool of plants to consider "suitable" for a project of this scope, as they must at least have a set of features that support its use, such as:high resistance to various environmental stress phenomena, provide protection to the groundprovide shelter/food for native fauna species of ecological importance, must have a mechanism/methodology for efficient mass propagation (producing many low-cost plants in both nurseries and site) must be described the architecture of the plant and the effects thereof on the various plant-medium, should also have some economic value if you intend to use on large areas, either in both production of timber or non-timber products , fodder, landscaping, etc. After describing these capabilities should be assessed on each floor, with the purpose of cataloging on a scale of "fitness" for many different purposes.
This catalog ought to be a starting point for various projects that intend to use native plants with a specific objective of the previously mentioned. Currently there is information, but is widely scattered in the description of the same species, as different species altogether.

Los Andes city context is related to mountains, orchads, country traditions and wild life

Among the interesting features have come to consider the following:

Hydraulic lift: Capacity of the root system to move water in the soil profile from deep wetlands (groundwater or other) to the drier surface area. Closely related to architecture and anatomy of the root system.

Nurse Capacity: Species capable of generating relatively short periods, sufficient conditions for the colonization of other species of greater ecological value.

Root Architecture fixing for purposes of soil (anti-erosion): An extensive root system and surface, allowing the fixation of the soil particlesthe situation may occur that more carbon fixation of the plant is distributed to a high turnover rate of roots, perceiving no or very slow growth of the shoot, but the soil by fixing this feature is very valuable.

Ability of Forming Fertility Islands (related to nutrients fixing): Mainly referring to the association of the root systems with bacteria and fungi, in the sense of setting or completing a nutrient fixing themselves more efficientlyCould be considered the ability of soil remediation saturated with pollutantsusing plants which absorb these elements.

Modification of soil microclimate and the atmosphere under the canopy: Feature important for sites where the climate opposes a high restriction on the conservation of soil moisture and thus limits the carrying capacity to develop high value vegetation production, as well allows for greater development of the herbaceous stratum, improving soil fertility by promoting increased expression of the seed bank and granting more favorable microclimatic conditions for increased biomass production (by influencing the metabolism and the ability of stress to which plants may be submitted).

Ecological conditions of Plant ConservationRelated to both relative and absolute abundance of a plant species in particular, their distribution and importance in the food chain or in the community (phytocoenoses). Also with a particular focus on reproductive capacity, as a species can be very recurrent but due to their physiology and ecophysiology, reproduction may be conditioned, it's very obvious in species of high longevity and a very long period of juvenility . .

Ecotypes diversity: It is a highly relevant factorbecause the vigor and adaptability of the species is strongly controlled by selection pressures, both natural and anthropogenic, and if genetic diversity is low, the probability of the success of this species under strange conditions may be less. Here comes the need to differentiate ecotypes, to promote hybrid vigor and increase the chances for generating segregation and form new individuals capable of increasing the likelihood of success for the species and its adaptation to new conditions. In this sense it has a wealthof climates and a good chance of finding ecotypes capable of responding to this situation.

Bioclimatic Adaptation: Species have on their evolution, ecological adaptations that allow them to adapt to conditions in their area of ​​origin, within certain thresholds. And so the choice of species/ecotypes/varieties  should be always looking at its origins, diversity and resilience to stressful events (water-fotoinhición-wind-soil-predation, etc.). No ecosystem restoration program ought to consider species that do not fit within the limits imposed by ecological hierarchy as strong as the soil and climate, or not to consider the possible strings of competition, very robust logic in ecological systemsThis restriction ought also look bioclimatic pointing to the succession and probably run a longer term program where there are rotations, using species to be adapting the conditions for reasons of deepening involvement.

Biomass productivity: very important factor if the focus is mainly intended to productive ends, as is necessary in this sense much more efficiently canalize the energy produced to the generation of out-put and rapid renewal. The idea is to use those within agroecological allow for greater carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

Aesthetic value: It is increasingly important landscape valueand good articulation can allow not only a good result in terms of functional or productive, but also must be accompanied by aesthetic scene, so it is very important to analyze the context where the projectas it is much more elegant work that fits the landscape, one that, for very functional, anti-nature seems within the overall context, it is also essential for use in landscaping projects and tourismThis should be achieved with the study of the area to intervene, their shapes, colors, associations, seasonality, cycles, etc.

The final idea of being able to catalog the species in this way is the use of existing information in a decision much more complete use of plants and achieve better value ecological contributions in relation to a current valuation of how productiveClearly can and should continue to appear more important lines, but is an interesting game that never ends, and in the latter sense depends on who will use this information.

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